How the Textview and Edittext controls are used with the spannable

How the Textview and Edittext controls are used with the spannable

It should be noted that this guide is designed for people with programming knowledge, so it may be tricky for novice users.

We can point out that the Textview and Edittext functions are similar to buttons. Checking the text is done through the Android property: text. In addition to this property, other interesting options that can be presented in the text are:

  • android:textColor: text color.
  • android:textSize: font size.
  • Android: typeface: text style (bold, italic)

We can also modify properties such as: retrieve the text of a tag getText(), update the content using setText () and change the color with setBackgroundColor().

As for Edittext, it works together as it serves as a text editing component on the Android platform. Includes inserting and editing text, position, size and format. Edittext is closely related to the Spannable interface, which is a character string we can with add other objects such as labels or signs.

All these controls are related: an object is created that can be edited as it is editable and to which text can be added. Read the rest of the information provided to find out more.

On the other hand, once a specific job is completed, it will be necessary to know how to export or import an Android Studio project, a fundamental aspect in this world.

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Text display controls

The aforementioned controls facilitate graphical aspects within the text. The labels created at the beginning within the Textview they are not editable by the user, as they show information, but you can later add a name and turn it into an Edittext.

In connection with the above, we refer to these as important attributes of the Textview controls:

  • Android: id – identifies in way the control is unique.
  • Android: capitalize: specifies that this Textview has a text entry method and should automatically capitalize what the user types.
  • Android: cursorVisible: makes the cursor visible or invisible.
  • Android: editable: if set to true, specify Textview as the input method.
  • Android: fontFamily: font family for the text.
  • Android: gravity: to align text along the x / y axis when the text is smaller.
  • Android: hint: hint of text to teach when the text is empty.
  • Android: input Type: the data entered in the text field, date, time, number, password.
  • Android: text: to include text.
  • android:textColor: text color.
  • android:textlsSelectable: indicates content that can and cannot be selected.

In addition to knowing the many aspects related to programming in Android, it is essential to work comfortably, for this the best thing is to activate the dark mode theme in Android Studio.

Edit text with expandable properties

Using Edittext with the user interface allows you to insert and edit text. The choice of the type of input, the keyboard displayed and the shape of the text being edited. Below is the list of attributes and related mechanisms in Edittext execution:

  • Automatic text Android: has a text input method and automatically corrects common spelling errors.
  • Android Drawable Button: drawing or image that will be under the text.
  • Editable from Android: if you set it up specifically, Textview is an input method.
  • Android Wallpaper: the background that will be used.
  • Android content description: the text that previously describes the contents of the view.
  • Android OnClick: the method in the context of the view will select it.

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The spanned string and Edittext

The goal of the Spanned character string is related to the Edittext since it derives from the last interface of this, allowing you to modify in turn signs and text. There are also span derivatives which are platform defaults that can be used to format text, including:

  • TypefaceSpan: change the font.
  • StyleSpan: change the style of the text.
  • ForegroughColorSpan: change the background color of the text.

As you can see, all the controls in the different options are similar but each of them goes hand in hand with Textview and Edittext, but fulfilling their functions within the object created and edited.

Another aspect to take into consideration after building an application is to activate the developer options in Android. Something that will be needed on many occasions to run diagnostic tests.

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