How to activate the YouTube notification bell from PC?

Sometimes the doorbell of notifies it activates automatically, but there are times when it has to be done manually.

For those interested in making it, here we bring a very simple explanation of how to make it, in addition to the customization of settings in general.

Way to activate YouTube notifications from a PC

To reach this setup is very simple and fast, for this, you must first have logged in to the web video platform from a PC or computer.

Next, the best way to adjust or turn on YouTube notifications is to go to the main page of any channel we're interested in following. Knowing it's as easy as searching for videos within a YouTube channel, the redundancy is worth it.

In this window, a button will appear on the right with the word " SUBSCRIBE «, Which must be clicked, to decide whether or not to receive notices of publication of its content.

If you are already subscribed to that channel, you won't need to do anything extra about it. Simply for both situations you should continue to the next step.

A notice that we already are subscribers it will appear on the same right side, and right next to it is a button with a bell for notifications.


How to activate the YouTube notification bell from PC?

By clicking on the latter we will have three options. The first allows you to activate le notifications » All ". The second, do it so " custom «.

And finally, " Nobody «, To stop receiving alerts. The choice in this case is left to each user.

However, the most used option is the latter, enabling YouTube notifications so " custom «, As it allows you to more consciously adjust the notifications to be received.

How to customize notifications

Once you've successfully turned on YouTube notifications, it's a good idea to configure what exactly, how and when these notifications will be received.

For this, the button » Notifications «, Shown as a bell at the top right of the screen, next to the profile thumbnail.

Within this section, choose to click on » Settings «, Or on the gear that will be on the right side and at the top.

Therefore, these settings window will open, where you will find a wide range of settings in the notification area.

In this case, we are interested in going to the section called »Le your preferences «, Which presents the different options and all of these are marked or deselected by scrolling buttons.

The first adjustment or customization is called " Subscriptions «, And it is precisely what concerns the notifications that we want to modify.

If this button is on the left side, i.e. disabled, you will not receive any warning about the activity of the channels we are subscribed to.

If, on the other hand, it is on the right side, or activated, it will allow YouTube to notify the user of new publications and activities that are carried out by the channels or accounts to which they are subscribed.


How to activate the YouTube notification bell from PC?

Turn on YouTube notifications in the email

Likewise, you can select how YouTube notifies our email address directly.

For this reason, in the same section of " Settings »Notifications, you have to look down until you find the section" Email notifications «.

Within the latter, and in the area «Le your preferences ", Various options will be displayed, including those for" Subscriptions «.

In order for the activity carried out in the channels to which we have subscribed to reach the mail, the button for this option must be moved to the right.

If, on the other hand, you don't want to receive news via email, you should simply keep it deactivated or go to the left.

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