How to delete or remove a DiDi ad forever

Today we will teach you step by step how to permanently delete or remove a Didi ad forever in, keep in mind that since it is free software they need to earn money while watching every advert given.

How to delete or remove these Didi ads?

Before starting the process, you should know that these methods will serve you both for Didi and for other applications that offer you the same free service as they generate revenue through advertisements, games or pop-up cards.

How to delete or remove a DiDi ad forever

Through external applications

  • AdBlock: it is an application that you can download from the play store and google extension that helps you to eliminate any type of filtered content or unwanted advertising, initially you can enjoy its free version but then you will have to give a low monetary reward.
  • UBlock Origin: Has open code that only acts as an extension for Chrome, Safari, Play Store, Edge, and Opera servers. One of the advantages that its use brings is the little storage space it occupies.
  • Free AdBlocker Browser: It can be said that it is a browser style that does not allow advertisements to cross the screen of your cellular since it blocks them immediately, however it is a totally free service and compatible with all servers.
  • Wipr: It is currently only available in the Play Store, but it works fine in terms di removal of ads by Didi, all you need to do is install and configure which applications you want it to work with.
  • Firefox Focus: is a new browser that it replaces Safari, has the best technologies including the removing ads from any app or pop-up card. Its services are totally free and you can download it from its website or the Play Store.
  • Purify: it is a paid service, but with a very low cost, as the name implies, it helps to purify the entire mobile phone or web browser to delete various advertisements or spam, one of the advantages it brings is that it helps to improve the speed both your internet and your phone.

If you are planning to install one from google and not from play store in the security and blocking options, you need to allow access to downloads from unknown sources as long as they come from secure pages to avoid malware or spyware that damage or steal any information we have on your electronic device.

How to delete or remove a DiDi ad forever

How to delete ads directly from the Didi app?

In some cases your cell phone allows you to delete Didi ads from the application. but how to do it? It should be noted that service applications such as Didi need an extra half for their income, but it is quite annoying to have to wait for the ads, this is usually called "Necessary bad"

Using Chrome

The first thing we will do is open our Chrome browser and remove the option.

  • Open the browser and press the 3 dots in the upper right corner and enter the settings.
  • Go to the website settings select the "pop-up windows" option
  • Disable or remove permission to open them.

And ready!

Through Opera

Opera is a generally default browser on some mobile phones, so:

  • Go to the settings above.
  • Click on the tab "Advertising"
  • And set the option of "Integrated ad blocker"

This is the most effective method if you don't want to download third-party applications.

Using Firefox

As a last option we will use Firefox which in my opinion is one of the most complicated and in turn brings more advertising to our smartphone.

  • In the part of the bar, paste about: config.
  • Select Disabled Open while loading and enable True
  • Then look for Open Click Delay Disabled and turn true again.

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