How to send videos to other users on Twoo and broadcast them live or live

Twoo is one of the platforms more popular to find friends or partners worldwide, used in more than 200 countries, this platform gives you the opportunity to meet more than 8 million users. With so many people, you won't get bored easily with this app.

It is likely that in this great social network you will meet someone special and to make yourself known you want to do more than just send a message and say hello, if you want to draw attention to a video to introduce yourself, it will undoubtedly be your best option.

THU we will teach you how to send videos to other users on Twoo, plus if there is chemistry between the two, we will also teach you how to do a live broadcast so that both sides get to know each other better.

How to send videos to other users on Twoo

  1. Log into your Twoo account, then go to the top of the screen (if you log into your account on your computer) and click on "Chat"
  2. Find the user you want to send the video to, click on the profile to start a conversation
  3. In the part where the messages are written, you will find the icons to send Emoji or gifts, on that site find and click on a video camera icon
  4. This will bring up a dialog box on the screen requesting permission to turn on the camera
  5. After granting that permission you can start recording, this video will give you the opportunity to record just a few minutes, try to be brief.
  6. Immediately after the recording is finished, the video will be sent to the chat and to see how it looks, you just have to click on the recording and see if the video is according to your standards.

Please note that the person who receives the video in case of not having a Premium account in Twoo will only be able to play it once, moreover this function only allows you to record videos at the moment, you cannot send videos to other pre-registered users.

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This feature will allow you to form a more pleasant friendship with the person and over time more than one friendship can arise between the two of you, so It is important to record a good video that attracts attention and make you look like an outgoing person and pleasant person, to achieve this, follow these short tips.

Tips for flirting by posting videos on Twoo


We know that since we're in quarantine, we usually dress comfortably, because an exception has to be made on this occasion. Try to look clean and relaxed wearing clothes that you would wear to socializing with friends, but also not very formal, as with the context (at home) it would be a little out of place for you to wear a formal dress or business suit.


You need to take care of where you will register and the decoration that will take place, as this will say a lot about you. Do you think a scene where you have dirty clothes in the background will be good? obviously not! We recommend that you be in a space with a neutral-colored wall and natural lighting.

If you will record at night with artificial light, which comes from a lamp whose light falls from the bottom up, the decoration is up to you, or you can also use the mobile flashlight, but keep in mind what we asked you before.

You guys

It is important to have an upright posture with the shoulders back to give the feeling of security, to be interested, and friendly don't forget to smile.

How to broadcast live to other users from Twoo

The tips we have mentioned above will also help you make a good first impression when you are going to convey to that special someone.

  1. Enter your Twoo account and top left click on "Chat" and start the chat with the person you want to call
  2. As you will notice, start a broadcast with the person is similar to other messaging apps, you just have to make sure you have a previous conversation with the person, otherwise, the icon with the option “broadcast live” will not be enabled.

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In just two simple steps you can already make a broadcast from Twoo, if instead you decide to delete your Twoo account, you can do it if you wish. Follow our page to learn more about this popular platform and don't miss any of its latest updates.

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