What is an Arduino and what is it for? How it works and the types that are

Hardware is an indispensable branch of information technology for those who work in this field. So it is necessary that those who are starting it know what Arduino is and what it is for.

It has always been a "facilitator" project for all types of programmers, made by students of the Interactive Design Institute of Ivrea. Basically it can be characterized as one scheda open source which allows you to create a very easy-to-use electronic platform to carry out a project. An Arduino works like a motherboard or a motherboard.

Likewise, it is also known as a microcontroller that allows the interaction between software and hardware to perform tasks autonomously.

Find out what Arduino is and what this board is for!

Arduino is one electronic platform open source or "free". This code allows you to create new types of microcomputers so that the developer can give them a specific use. As public access plate, allows the ease and flexibility of creation for the programmer which deserves its use to carry out a project.

It is known worldwide for its free software and hardware feature, which gives any organization or user a basis to create a new type of board or code for a new application, and thus can be used for other purposes.

What is an Arduino and what is it for? How it works and the types that are

Through this method, it has managed to be compatible with different types of operating systems such as Linux, Windows and MacOS.


Usage styles and services provided by Arduino

Being a fairly dynamic card that offers a varied number of possible functions, its intended use can be classified into two styles.

The first or main, continue to use it as a microcontroller, whose base will allow you to generate a new one directly related to the function you want to program.

A clear example are those programs that operate independently on computers, in charge of powering and controlling other devices, to interact with the physical world. You can do it too creating an interface between two computers.

Both are possible thanks to the circuits that make up the microcontroller, so that it can record the programming language that generates the instructions.

Arduino operating methodology

Even if you know what Arduino is and what it is for, it may still be a puzzle for you how this little board can achieve such great purposes.

Its functionality is due to its own input and output interfaces. They are means through which the information processed by the plate is transmitted.

It is important to note that Arduino is also defined as a project, as it shares its own basic design to create a varied number of types.

In this way you can find on the market different styles of Arduino boards that have been created specifically for every type of need.

What is an Arduino and what is it for? How it works and the types that are


The 3 best types of Arduino!

This brand is made up of a number of different prototypes, you should know that each of the plates it has a feature that differentiates it from the others. Among them you can find:

UNO Arduino

For its degree of comfort, it is the most popular model, accompanied by one starter kit for beginners.

It has 16 types of digital inputs and outputs, as well as 32Kb of memory to store most program codes.

Arduino Nano

It is considered the smallest version of UNO. Great for projects with limited space, accompanied with the same characteristics as the previous type of plate.

Arduino Mega

It is known as the "big brother" of UNO, as it is fully compatible with it and has the same pin position for connecting shields or expansions.

It is a style of board for large projects that require more space and doors.

If you are a lover of technology and computers, you can look for the best motherboard options for your computer. 

If you know computers and you are a Maker, Arduino is a great option for you because you can create your PC with the features you want, if you are not a Maker but you want to learn, we recommend that you know a little better about the differences between the types. of Hardware and Software and will also help you know how to diagnose their problems.

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