How to change keyboard language to Greek on any device? - Quick and easy

The companies that develop the products are looking for ways to reach as many consumers as possible. Therefore, since the manufacture of their devices, they are configured to work with any language.

How to change keyboard language to Greek on any device?

In general, our devices come with a very large language gallery that we can enable very easily. Besides configure it to only work on our keyboard without affecting the general language of our devices.

This is very interesting, since it is possible to learn a little about writing different languages. Without a doubt, among the most interesting languages ​​we have keyboards in Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Hebrew and among them also  Greek, with a design of its letters that attracts a lot of attention.

It is possible to configure our devices to work with this wonderful language, which is one of the oldest in existence. In this article, we will quickly and easily learn how to change the language of my keyboard to Greek on any device.

Steps to put Greek language on my keyboard in Android

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Devices running Android have Greek in the language catalog, so it's very easy to enable it. To perform this action we have to follow the steps mentioned below:

The first thing is to open the tool Settings on our device, there we have to go down until we find the option Languages ​​and text inputs and select it. The next step will be to enter the option "Languages".

There we can see the list of available languages ​​that Android offers us, we are interested in the Greek language. Therefore we will search until we find it and select it, in this way we will enable the language to use.

Finally, if we want to write in this language or for our keyboard to be configured to work in Greek, we must display the keyboard and from the settings option we will change the language to greek and that's it.

Steps to change keyboard language to Greek on iOS

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On devices such as iPhone, iPad or Mac it is also possible to configure the language of our keyboard very easily. The first step is to open the tool "Configuration", then we go down until we find "General options" and select it.

When we enter we press the option Keyboard and then Add new keyboard, in this way we will enter the language menu of our device. Now we will look for the Greek language and we will select it.

It will be added to the list of languages ​​of our keyboard, for activate it we just have to display the keyboard of our iPhone device. We enter the option of language represented by a sphere, select the Greek and that's it.

Steps to set the keyboard language to Greek in Windows

It is also possible to configure the keyboard language on a computer with a Windows operating system. By following a few simple steps we will learn how to perform this setup in a very simple way.

In Windows there is an options bar located at the bottom of the screen, to the right of this bar is the option for change the keyboard language. We select this option, then click Language preferences.

Now let's select the option Add a language, we must look for the language Greek and select it, then click Add. In this way it will be added to the available languages, to enable it we just have to click on the option to change language in the bottom bar and select the Greek option.

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