How to search for people in Reniec by name or surname DNI?

Reniec is also known as a totally free tool, which is also used by more the companies inside to help with the hiring process. Because this is how employers learn a little more about each of those people who join their companies.

This in turn, is done, thanks to a registration system through the number DNI through which it is possible to know the name and its various personal data, among other functions it performs as an identifier.

Here we will explain the correct way you can start your search for a person through this tool.

How to search for people in Reniec by name or surname DNI?

How to initiate the data query by DNI within the Reniec

With these methods the person, through the DNI number, will be able to access certain information. However, it is important that you find several variations with which you can request it, as the process for making this small search it might be a bit complicated or boring. The steps are as follows:

  • To get started, you need to go to the official website of the said government body. Here we will leave you the URL, which you will only have to copy and paste into the search engine of your browser and you will automatically enter the page.
  • Once you are inside the above page, you should look inside it for the tab “DNI Security Elements”.
  • Once you have found it and with the help of the virtual keyboard that the portal provides, you must carefully and correctly enter the identification number of the person you want to search for.
  • After entering it, it will also ask you to enter a security code that you can recognize with a striking blue color. It is important that you pay attention to the uppercase and lowercase.
  • As a last step, all you have to do is press the "Consult" button, and in a few minutes you will see that the data you are requesting will appear on your screen.

The system will show you the following data:

  • Last name.
  • Name of the Father.
  • The surname of the mother.
  • Mother's name.
  • Date of registration.
  • Business.
  • Photo.
  • Pre name
  • Birth place
  • Address
  • Date of birth.
  • Marital status.
  • Sex.
  • Height.
  • Institute degree.
  • Electoral fines.
  • Issuing date.

This identification and registration system will help you find one large amount of personal data, which will be sufficient to verify whether or not the data that the person in question has provided you with is those recorded within Reniec. It is important to renew electronic DNI certificates from time to time.

How to search for people in Reniec by name or surname DNI?

How to search for a person in Reniec by name and surname?

If, on the other hand, you do not have the identification number of the person, do not worry, as it is very easy to verify all the data we have mentioned previously with simple and basic steps. For this, you will only need their full name, follow these steps:

  • To get started, the first thing to do is insert the following  URL
  • Once there you will see that a window will appear in which you can start entering all the data in your possession, both the identity document and the full name. This will start the search.
  • A verification system better known as Capt-Cha will automatically appear, complete it, press the button " Search ”And you will see how everything will be ready for your search to be launched immediately.
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