How to search or find old friends on Facebook by their name?

How to find old friends on Facebook?

It is very easy to reach your old friends on the social network and contact them, as Facebook makes things easier since it has its own search bar. You just have to put the name and surname of your friend in that bar.

How to search or find old friends on Facebook by their name?

However, there may be a lot of search matches when you enter the first or last name of whoever you want to find, making it difficult to find your friend. For this reason we will show you other ways to find your old friends.

From other mutual friends

Let's assume you have someone already in common with you and that the person you want to search for has been added, you just have to go to that mutual friend's account, then go to the "friends" tab.

When you enter there you will find a smaller search bar which will help you find who you are looking for. Enter the first and last name and if the owner of that account added the person, it will appear in seconds.

With an email

Now when you are looking for your friend you may have remembered that you have one of his Email since they have studied or worked, this is an advantage since the person is very likely to use the same for their Facebook account. Enter it in the search bar of the social network and if you have any matches, the person this email is associated with will appear.

Related groups

Very well, it can happen that belonging to a certain group at school, college or work you get the person you are looking for, but how? Well, you have to join the group you think is in order, then position yourself in the "explore" session.

Enter the «members» section, then click on "Search for a member" and enter the name and surname of that person, by doing so you can find the person you are looking for. It can help you at this point to learn how to discover the facebook groups you are affiliated with.

Can I find a friend on Facebook where you live?

How to search or find old friends on Facebook by their name?

The answer is simply yes. Let's see the step by step we will give you to find your friend.

  1. Log into your Facebook account
  2. Then enter the name of the person you want to search in the search bar.
  3. Then you will find yourself in the top bar looking for people only. For this reason, to locate your friend based on where they live, you need to click on the menu of instruments that appears in that same tab.
  4. You will find the position option in the drop-down menu. And write the city or place in you want to search for. This will filter out people living in that city with the name you provided.

It is really very easy to find your friends and acquaintances on the popular social network Facebook, you just have to be daring and have fun with the experience. Hopefully the information you provide are very useful to you, do not forget to comment and share, the successes in the research.

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