What are the different ways of handling errors in Visual Basic: Use in case of error

Whenever the error declaration comes out in Visual Basic, we need to use some error handling statements or handle errors in our code, because in case another user uses it, they won't know what to do. Later you will learn what are the different ways of handling errors in Visual Basic using the On Error statement.

Importance of establishing an error handling routine

Many of the problems can be anticipated by including the error handling routine in your code to correct any errors that may occur. You will achieve this by familiarizing yourself with the use, functions, properties and methods of VBA, in order to anticipate error handling.

When error handling is added to the Visual Basic procedure, execution will be moved to another location within the code, to the location that handles the error.

What are the different ways of handling errors in Visual Basic: Use in case of error

In other words, you have to insert a procedure in the Visual Basic code, when it finds the error, it will look for the statement that handles the error, locating itself in it.

Error handling must be enabled using the On Error statement. What it does is direct execution on error to the sentence handling the error. If you skip this step, when the error occurs, Visual Basic will stop execution and show a message with the option to terminate or debug.

Note that to perform error handling yourself, you need to disable automatic updates for Microsoft Office. The On error statement enables or disables an error handling routine, this On error statement has three forms:

  1. If there is an error, Resume next.
  2. If you make a mistake, go to Label.
  3. On Error Go to 0

Functions of the three forms On Error

  • THE istruzione On Error Resume Next skip the line causing the error. This is sometimes not the best option, as it pretty much doesn't fix it.
  • Education On Error Go To Label enables an error-handling routine that starts on the line where the statement begins. Previously we had to enable it by placing On Error Go to and the label name above the statement that is giving us the error.
  • When the error handler is active and the error occurs, execution will go to the line specified in the tag. It is important to enter "Exit Sub", before the message you recorded so that when the error message appears and you accept it, you can continue.
  • On Error Go To 0. This statement disables error handling within the procedure. If you have more than one instruction in error handling and decide you don't want anything done; put the statement On Error Go To 0. In this case Visual Basic will show you the error window and give you the option to debug or finish.

Any errors that occur in your work must be addressed, this will make it easier and more productive to work in the application you use. Taking this into account, it is best to anticipate most of the possible errors to point it out in their treatments.

What are the different ways of handling errors in Visual Basic: Use in case of error

It is recommended that you keep a log of all errors for later code debugging. Become a pro by fixing these annoying bugs and enjoy a pleasant execution of popular Microsoft Office applications, and you can also create your own code and limit it with the Visual Basic Macro Book.

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